Introduction to the new SDT-IMCS hatch cover training

Following the launch of the new SDT Sherlog product range (Sherlog Cadet, Sherlog Mate, Sherlog Master function kits) in February 2013, there was a need to review certain parts in the existing SDT–IMCS training programme in order to accommodate for familiarisation training for the Sherlog Master.

Together with this review, the way of delivering the course has seen some drastic changes. In the first place, the equipment training is now given by means of a virtual Sherlog Master tool which allows the candidates to follow the correct measuring and operation procedures step by step. Once the basic familiarisation with the equipment is completed, the trainees are further trained by means of a virtual exercise which brings them on board of a vessel and where, through simulation, they are required to make several surveys themselves. The Sherlog Master reporter software allows candidates to get instant access to the survey report sketch and to learn from mistakes made.

Apart from the fact that this new approach allows for a much more in depth training in a safe and comfortable environment, it also does away with the safety and security problems related to attending on board of a ship in operation. So far a total of 7 well attended and successful “new” trainings have been organised.

Terms and conditions

SDT International S.A. organizes a series of training sessions to allow delegates to become “Certified Operator qualified for ultrasonic hatch cover tightness testing with the Class Type Approved Sherlog Master ” in compliance with the IACS UR Z.17. Practical details of the SDT-IMCS Training Program, which is accredited by the Nautical Institute, can be found hereafter.

Training Program:

SDT International determines its training program in order to meet as closely as possible the industry’s demand. Hence, the below listed training course dates and locations are subject to modification and depend on the number of the registered participants.

Upcoming training locations:

14, 15 & 16/01/2014 Trieste (Italy)
19, 20 & 21/02/2014 Riga (Latvia) – fully booked
16, 17 & 18/03/2014 Singapore
23, 24 & 25/04/2014 Shanghai (China)
26, 27 & 28/05/2014 Athens (Greece)
22, 23 & 24/09/2014 Antwerp (Belgium)
October 2014 (to be confirmed) Limassol (Cyprus)
26,27 & 28/11/2014 Japan or S.Korea


For the comfort of the trainees, and in order to ensure compliance with the accreditation standards, training courses will be organized in hotels of good international standard.

Training Session Agenda:

The training was developed in a way to cover all the required topics under IACS UR Z17 as much as possible, and yet to be concentrated in a 2 ? day training course. Therefore SDT has decided to forward, upon receipt of the training fee, the complete syllabus of the training course by e-mail to each registered delegate. In addition to the training syllabus, each of the delegates will also receive the well-illustrated “Hatch Cover Inspections” book, published by the Nautical Institute in 2003 at the commencement of the training course. The purpose is to allow all candidates to become fully acquainted with the many subjects and issues covered by the training course, prepare themselves for the training and have relevant background information at hand during the execution of their day-to-day activities.

Training Agenda: Day 1

08.45 – 09.00 Registration & morning coffee
09.00 – 09.30 Welcome and introduction to the training course
09.30 – 10.30 Introduction to ultrasound technology & basic principles of ultrasounds
10.30 – 10.45 Coffee break
10.45 – 12.30 Ultrasonic hatch cover tightness testing: How does it work.
Familiarization with the “Sherlog Master”
12.30 – 13.00 Sandwich lunch
13.00 – 15.00 Ultrasonic leak detection: Taking measurements – dealing with different testing situations
15.00 – 15.15 Coffee break
15.15 – 17.30 Working in the ?Sherlog Master? mode
Virtual exercise & using the Sherlog Reporter software
17.30 – 18.30 Introduction to hatch cover surveys
18.30 Debriefing – End of day 1

Training Agenda: Day 2

08.45 – 09.00 Registration & morning coffee
09.00 – 10.30 Applicable hatch cover rules and regulations
10.30 – 10.45 Coffee break
10.45 – 12.30 Claims as a result from wetting damage, weather/watertightness, seaworthiness and cargoworthiness, due diligence, different testing methods, the use of extra sealants
12.30 – 13.00 Sandwich lunch
13.00 – 15.00 About hatch covers: Hatch cover history, hatch cover types and design, “understanding” hatch covers, ?hatch cover component parts and their function, hatch cover safety, items to be checked before testing
15.00 – 15.15 Coffee break
15.15 – 18.30 Workshop on hatch cover problems,? frequently seen defects and maintenance issues (approx. 200 slides), free debate, Q&A.
18.30 End of day 2

Training Agenda: Day 3

08.15 – 08.30 Registration & morning coffee
08.30 – 10.00 Rehearsal, debriefing of virtual exercise, Q&A
10.00 – 10.15 Coffee break
10.15 – 12.00 Examination
12.00 – 12.30 Debriefing of examination
12.30 – 13.00 Sandwich lunch
13.00 – 14.00 Correction of examination in class
Closing remarks – End of training


Upon completion of the complete course and examinations, each successful participant will receive the “Certified Operator qualified for ultrasonic hatch cover tightness testing with the Class Type Approved Sherlog Master?” certificate. SDT International issues this certificate within the three weeks following the date of the training course. The name and coordinates of the newly qualified operators are added to the “List of Certified Operators”. This list is permanently accessible on
The operator’s certificate is valid for 3 years and can be renewed by successful passing of an e-examination prior to the expiry date of the operator’s certificate.

Practical training details:

  • Participants to a training course will be advised about the training course venue and useful practical details about 1 week before the training date.
  • Participants are required to bring the training course syllabus to the training.
  • Each participant who follows the complete 2 ? day training will exercise and get trained on an individual SHERLOG Master instrument provided by SDT International for the duration of the training session.
  • Coffee breaks and luncheons during the training are included in the training fees.


Language of the training, syllabus, course documentation and the written examination is English. All trainees are therefore expected to have a good working knowledge of the English language.


  • The complete 2 ? day training session is organized for a minimum of 7 trainees and a maximum of 12 in order to guarantee an optimal and efficient training.
  • All registration applications must preferably be entered three weeks prior to the training date, this in order to allow on-time shipping of the training course material. Last minute registrations are considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Registrations are made on a first entered (and paid), first booked basis.

Hotel Accommodation:

Participants are free to stay in a hotel of their own choice. Room reservation is to be made by the delegates and is not included in the training fee.

Travel Arrangements:

Venues are generally selected in centrally located areas that can easily be reached by plane.
Travel arrangements are to be made by the delegates and are not included in the training fee.

Delegates requiring an entry visa for the country where the training is organized should take necessary action to ensure all visa requirements are completed in time.

Training Session Cancellation:

SDT International reserves the right to cancel any of the scheduled training courses. In that case the training session will be re-programmed and the training fees fully reimbursed or transferred for another training session at the request of the participant.

Training Fees:

* Fees for the complete 2 ? day training course and Certification: 970 € per delegate. This all-in fee includes required training equipment and material, individual ultrasonic training equipment SHERLOG Master for each participant for the duration of the training course, the training course syllabus “Generic Training Program for Service Suppliers Engaged in Ultrasonic Tightness Testing”, the book “Hatch Cover Inspections” (Nautical Institute), coffee breaks, luncheons and the issuing of the Certificate of Qualification.

Transfer of Reservation:

Registered delegates who are not in a position to attend the training course are requested to advise SDT International immediately. In such case, SDT International will allow the delegate to attend a training course at another training location. All registrations are transferable at any time to another participant without any additional costs.